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Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures.

Hope you have a nice stay!

Charlie Diaries - March 5, 2020

Charlie Diaries - March 5, 2020

No one ever accused my cowgirl of being a fastidious housekeeper, but she does adore slipping into fresh sheets after a long day, sheets that are crisp, smell good, and straightened out.........

I, however,  have a bed-making technique she calls the Tasmanian devil. It's something I developed to get my exercise in, while spinning the sheets and blankets into the perfect nest, and simultaneously bouncing pillows off the walls. I give myself bonus points if I manage to remove the comforter.

It's impressive if I do say so myself!!😁

I had another practice round this morning,  ya know, gotta practice to keep my skills well-honed.  This was my favorite method of attack, to launch the split second the bed receives the final sweep of her hand, with sheets still warm from the dryer! YES!!

It was epic, and I set a new personal best record!! Go, Charlie!!! 😇

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I get so involved that I'm often, ok always, overcome with that temporary deafness situation during my performance,  and it was explained to me when I was suddenly tackled that I had unfortunately not heard the command to stop my nonsense.  I probably just can't hear that tone she uses when she's speaking through clenched teeth. 🤔

Thankfully it's a sunny day because my butt was unceremoniously shoved out the door. I'm currently on the deck evaluating my "lack of good choices", my "temporary deafness", and .........I didn't hear what else she said.

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I have decided that I will run away. You know,  for 5 minutes or so, just to make a point, no need to miss my snacks, or treats, or eggs, or cereal.......or a nap in my .....errrrr our chair!

And certainly not long enough to miss curling up in those fabulously fresh sheets!!  I need my sleep so I can keep track of my cowgirl, and patrol our farm, and neighborhood.

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Charlie Diaries - March 14, 2020

Charlie Diaries - March 14, 2020

Charlie Diaries - Feb 28 2020

Charlie Diaries - Feb 28 2020