

Hello, my name is MaryAnn Ensz

I'm a horse gal through and through, and consider it high praise indeed when someone calls me a good hand. My dad had me on a horse long before I could walk, and they've been a passion ever since. They are the reason behind many of my life's thrills, spills, and chills........and cussing streaks!

Here's the deal; I have a big heart, will help anyone I can, even if I don't particularly like them.......and I cuss enough to embarrass a sailor! You know, heart of gold, but omg this mouth!!!!

I had the kind of love, for over half my life, that most people only dream of, and I have been faced with losses that are absolutely gutting. I've traveled to stunningly beautiful places, talked to incredible people, seen awe inspiring views, had heart racing experiences, observed amazing wildlife, photographed wonderful memories, and happily returned to the pile of rocks in the Ozarks that I call home.