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Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures.

Hope you have a nice stay!

Charlie Diaries - Feb 28 2020

Charlie Diaries - Feb 28 2020

There's this game we've been playing for months on end.

When I first moved to the farm. I  would eat that little so-called treat 🙄 without any issues, because I thought it would lure her into a false sense of security. 

Well, guess what???? My cowgirl has "been down that road before"............soooooo she watches me like a hawk!

She gets the treat out, and btw, to my fellow pups, real treats don't come out of a foil pack, one by one.

Anyway,  she gets the fake treat that does not taste like beef. She looks at me. I look at her. She puts various things like peanut butter,  butter, bacon grease, etc on it then hands me the offending tidbit.

I take it. I spit it out. She picks it up.  She offers it again. I take it, run off to hide that hideous thing. She finds it.  She offers it to me again. I politely decline. 

She raises that eyebrow, and in the blink of an eye, she's rubbing my throat and the nasty situation is over for another month.  😳

Cowgirls are hard to fool, damnit!

Mud, so much mud!! My cowgirl and I actually agree on most things, mud, however, is not one of them. She has really been slinging those words I can't repeat, like........wellllllll, like rainfall. 

She hates it because it interferes with her plans. I think it's fantabulous.  I love to splash through the pastures, the ditches..... and roll in the squishy parts of the farm. There are plenty of them to choose from these days!  I am reveling in this fun during the day, and I get baths at night, then snuggles.......truly, what's not to love??

My long face buddies must love the mud, too, because they roll in it even more than I do! 😂

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My cowgirl rolls her eyes……..a lot……...at all of us!!!

Getting feed right now is a blast because we get to take multiple trips to town, "because of the $#$#-#$%%$# rain". 

Lol, both of our trucks are different colors, courtesy of our clay/gravel roads. I think they look cool.

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The tree that fell in the front yard is still there because "it's too $#$#@#%% wet to get to right now" but I have a wonderful time chasing squirrels around it. Also,  there's a new ditch by the driveway that is perfect for splashing. 

I just don't understand why she's fussing about the rain...........

I'm going to discuss this with my long face buddies over cereal.

Charlie Diaries - March 5, 2020

Charlie Diaries - March 5, 2020

Pets! The reason for so many of the things we do!

Pets! The reason for so many of the things we do!