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Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures.

Hope you have a nice stay!

Charlie Diaries - Jan 14, 2020

Charlie Diaries - Jan 14, 2020

Sigh, last night my cowgirl was working outside,  and I was playing. Works for me!!

Anyway,  there I was,  having a great time running,  and jumping, bouncing like Tigger, when ......there it was ......CHARLIE!! STOP THAT THIS SECOND!!!!!

I had had another unfortunate episode of sudden deafness so I couldn't possibly respond. 

Rock the stud muffin heard her though,  so he stopped bouncing, and looked at me with something akin to a mixture of amusement and trepidation.  

Oh come on big boy, let's play some more! 

One word from my cowgirl and Rock went back to munching hay, watching us from the corner of his eye. 

I was too wound up in the throes of fun to realize I might have crossed a line.

Guess who learned to "get to that truck right NOW" ?   Yeppers, this pup right here!! 

Because who makes the rules???? My cowgirl,  that's who! And who enforces those rules?? Yuuup, same person!! And I got there posthaste !!

I was more than happy to do as she said, and I covered her in kisses when she joined me in the truck. 

I must say she could have been more appreciative! 

 I'll keep laying on the charm so she'll quit raising that eyebrow and clenching her teeth. 

Chores were to the point this morning,  no lolly gagging. She is up to something!  It was just a quick visit and bite to eat with my long face buddies.

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She did veer off schedule for a few minutes to save a stunned bird.  She sure likes watching those things!

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Yep,  I knew it! 

A shower and an outfit = she's leaving the farm................road trip.......right????    orrrrrrrr, ohhhhhhhhh noooooooo, am I getting left ??

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I went to the door,  looking my most pitiful self, then went to the window, applying the maximum guiltage. She's quite susceptible to guilt trips.......... I've heard mention of "Catholic guilt" ??????? Do what????

Alas, Catholic or not, my efforts were in vain. 

My cowgirl and my truck left without me,  sigh, how she will manage without me

I cannot imagine. 

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Somehow she survived the day without me, weird. She didn't even seem   stressed, well, not anymore than usual. She always kinda tightly wound. 

I was all aloof............. until I heard my truck pull in, that's when I pressed my face against the glass door and offered up my best sad puppy dog eyes.........hey. they didn't come up with that expression for nothing!!

It worked so well that she let me out and I got hugs before she even started unloading the truck!!!!!! Score for Charlie!!

She brought in eggs, and cooked one for me, boomshakalaka,  now we're talking!! 😁 

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A full belly, a  soft couch in a warm room, and cowgirl snuggles..............all is now right with my world. 

I couldn't have dreamed of this life before.  I hope all shelter dogs find out about real love!!!

Charlie Diaries - Jan 19, 2020

Charlie Diaries - Jan 19, 2020

Charlie Diaries - Jan 10, 2020

Charlie Diaries - Jan 10, 2020