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Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures.

Hope you have a nice stay!

Charlie Diaries - New Years Eve

Charlie Diaries - New Years Eve

So the other day, she appeared in "not farm clothes",  she's going somewhere!!!! OMG, she's going somewhere!!!!!!

I'm hoping she's forgotten about my indiscretions,  but odds are not in my favor, she has a mind like a steel trap, dangit!

I'll try my adorableness dance, hmmmmmm my skills seem a little lacking today. 

Time for the sad, forlorn face..............and ding ding ding we have a winner.

We jumped in the truck, she glanced at me with a rather sheepish look, so I winked at her, she laughed but I'm not off probation yet.

Ya know,  I can ........uh, coerce my cowgirl occasionally,  but those darn rules! If ya push too much, it falls under the "When you choose the action,  you choose the consequences " category, sigh, I'm in trouble, peeps.

It all started when she made me a new tug of war toy. We played and played,  then she needed to finish chores so she told me "enough !"

I kept on, she gave the command again while putting my custom toy behind her back,  and I stopped...........but then she turned away from me and...........and............ummmmmm, I really don't want to talk about it anymore.

I'm hoping she'll forget about it soon. As soon as the scratches heal up I bet it will be past history ...........I'd cross my toes if I could,  but, well, I'd appreciate prayers! 


Another day gone, running, chores,  running errands, chores, etc, etc

Extreme displeasure was on display when I knew it was going to be an "I got left at home for days and days" day, but it was all for naught. 

She just looked at me and said I'd be fine, blah blah blah 

Dang peanut butter filled bone!!

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The fact that I was indeed totally fine should have no bearing on the next time the decision to leave me at home is looming.  

There was a small situation with a  hanger thingy..........

And, that brings us to New Year's Eve.  A fabulous excuse to party, cut loose, and have a great time, according to my cowgirl.  She says "It's time to look forward"  

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But first, a quick look back.......... there have been so many changes in my life this year, moving from the city to the country,  going from not knowing what a long face one was, to having several of them as besties now!

Discovering horse cereal, snorty things, and lanky red dogs, southern hospitality,  fried fish and hush puppies 

It's been my favorite!!!! 

I look forward most of the time,  not sure why people need a special day for that, but OK.........

Look forward,  and make plans for a wonderful year!!! Keep focused on your goals, put your shoulders into it, and ........ wishing on a star never hurt anyone!!

May 2020 be even better than you can dream!!!!

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Charlie Diaries - Jan 7, 2020

Charlie Diaries - Jan 7, 2020

Leftover Party 

Leftover Party