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Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures.

Hope you have a nice stay!

Charlie Diaries - Day 24

Charlie Diaries - Day 24

My cowgirl called me her newest stalker.......I am just trying to keep her close, errrrrr safe......yeah that's it, safe.

Good Lord is it hot or what??? I could barely run long enough to make her think I might have run off again, before I had to come inside for a nap in the AC .......while she mowed the yard.

I was snoozing again while she fed the long face ones this evening, that is, until the air turned blue. It seems that she was on high alert due to that copperhead thing, and a stick snapped back as she walked through tall weeds around the round pen. It makes no sense to me, but obviously it had something to do with the copperhead, and the stick caused yelling and jumping????? Wth???? I'll probably never figure this woman out.

We played catch again today, like a LOT. I think we've finally become a team like Waino and Yadi.

She said we would record it for prosperity....... huh????? All I want is proof that I can indeed catch!!

So, last night I got the night possessions around midnight, but that's the bewitching hour, and it was a full moon, so it was totally beyond my control, right?????

I've been advised my performances are not appreciated, hhhhhmmmmmfffffff

Charlie Diaries - Day 25

Charlie Diaries - Day 25

Charlie Diaries - Day 23

Charlie Diaries - Day 23