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Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures.

Hope you have a nice stay!

Dream's pregnancy Day 19

Dream's pregnancy Day 19

On day 24 Dream's embryo will be approximately 1/4" and weigh 5/1000 oz.

I am running flat out trying to get things ready to leave early in the morning, (a list a mile long, and I'm going to be gone eight days) when......

Rhonda from Dr Leonard's clinic called with Dreams progesterone test results. Dream is a 3.3, ugh!!!! Usually mares of her age, seven, have few issues with that. I had only requested the test because I'm paranoid.
The standard protocol for anything under 4 is daily supplementation with Regumate. Do I already have Regumate on hand? Sure I do, from three years ago when I was breeding an old mare, thus anticipating she would need it. It's expiration date was two years ago. The thought zooms into mind, could it be good enough to get Dream through until I get back?

Facts is, very likely that would work.
Fact is, it's likely she'd be okay until I got back, period.
Fact is, I'd worry myself sick, no way I will take any chances, so I get ready to make the 160 mile round trip to the clinic to pick up the Regumate.

I get ohhhhhh .........maybe three miles from home, when BAM!!!! a rock hits the windshield, no star.......full blown crack, about two inches long........ WTH??!!

I'm grooving to some great music, zooming toward West Plains, on hwy 142........ which was laid out by a drunk snake........when I notice a truck pulling a camper come out of a curve and head down a big hill toward me. It caught my attention because it was careening down the road, there were obviously no stabilizer bars on that hitch, and as we approach each other, I'm thanking God I didn't meet them in a curve, then DOE!!!
OMG, she dove between our rigs, bouncing directly in front of my truck, I stood on the brakes, turned the air blue.......and.....
how did I miss that doe????? How????
The crack in the windshield is an inch longer.
I actually stopped to look at my truck, still in disbelief that I didn't hit her.
As I pulled back out, a Bald Eagle swooped over.

No further Enszidents, and I picked up the supplement, zoomed back home, measured out Dream's med for each day, then went out to do the evening feeding, anxious to get at least somewhat caught up.
Rally always meets me at his gate.
No Rally.
Rally???? There he is......limping, holy hell, what kind of kick me in the teeth freakin day IS this?????!!!!
Got a rock picked out of his hoof, he's still limping. I go back to the house to get everything I need to treat him now, and stuff to leave for the guy who feeds for me.

A drink is sounding really good right now, but I haven't even packed.

I finally finished up chores, much much later than usual, packed, and crashed.

Smdh, just another ordinary day!!

Fawns where art thou???

Fawns where art thou???

Dream's Pregnancy

Dream's Pregnancy