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Welcome to my blog. This is where I document my adventures.

Hope you have a nice stay!

Charlie Diaries  - Day 6

Charlie Diaries - Day 6

Yesterday we stayed busy doing chores, picking up %$#@@$% limbs, cleaning water tanks, and getting a new herd of goldfish for another stock tank.

Apparently the cowgirl uses them as a swat team for mosquitoes who have the nerve to lay eggs in her tanks.

Today we ran some errands, and I must say, I adore her Chevy truck, rides great and can get the zoomies like me!!
I love the AC vents in her truck, waaaaay better than the ones in the house that attack me!!

PSA. Do NOT jump from the passenger seat into a cowgirl's lap! It's definitely a no go!

I got some watermelon to help me cool off during chores this afternoon. It was so good!

We did some cooking today and I'm sure I helped because I was "underfoot" ........that's helping, right?
Her training is taking longer than I expected, I don't know anything about cowgirls, but this one is stubborn as hell!
She was feeding me strawberries and I missed one. It hit the floor. I looked at her, looked at the strawberry, looked back up at her, and she looked at me, and told me that if I didn't pick that up it was going in the scrap pile, and I wasn't getting another one!
Yeah right!

Turns out, she was right!!! Damnit!!
I'll work on her tomorrow, this farm life is exhausting!! Good night everyone!!

Charlie Diaries  - Day 7

Charlie Diaries - Day 7

Charlie Diaries - Day 4

Charlie Diaries - Day 4